This is not
going to be a full blown physics lesson, just a simple idea that could
enlighten you. Amongst all the bull out there about low carb, low fat, low fructose, low everything foods and diet plans, only one thing has been scientifically proven to work.... EVER.
Want the physique of your dreams? Listen up
Losing weight is a game of energy in v energy out. What does
this mean? Well, in order to slim down, you have to either decrease the amount
of energy coming into your body on average (those last two words are very
important), or you have to increase the amount of energy going out of your
body. Simple huh?
When you
are in an energy surplus (more coming in than going out), that energy has to be
stored (the body will not waste it unfortunately, millions of years of
evolution have ensured that). Where is it stored? Fat cells, muscle cells,
liver are the main places. Theoretically, we would prefer the body to store the
excess in our muscle or liver, although in reality, regarding pure weight loss/gain,
this is completely irrelevant. If you are an athlete needing to replenish
muscle glycogen (muscle fuel) stores quickly, then it becomes more relevant,
but most reading this will not fall into that category.
Bottom line
is, as we take in more energy than we burn, we will put on weight; And the
reverse too, as we burn more energy than we take in, we will lose weight. Some
of this will be muscle, some will be fat. The influences for this are;
- Genetic - people will tend to gain fat and muscle and lose fat and muscle in the same ratios. For example, random Joe puts on 10 pounds, 7 of this is fat and 3 is muscle. This also works in reverse - Joe loses 10 pounds and 7 of it is fat, 3 of it is muscle. This is called our P-Ratio, and is largely genetic.
- Gender - Men will tend to lose less muscle than women will with the same weight loss.
- Your current fat% - the more fat you are holding, the higher proportion of fat you will lose when you lose weight. Obese people can lose almost exclusively fat with no muscle loss. As you get leaner, more muscle tissue is lost as a percentage. But this is generally not a problem until you're in the athletic ranges of bodyfat %
- Age - Regardless of gender and genetics, we all get worse P-Ratios as we get older. In other words, we will tend to gain less muscle and more fat when we gain weight. Life's a bitch eh!
None of the
above things are in your control. The below things ARE;
types of food you eat - can influence (to a lesser extent) where that excess
energy is stored. Eating certain macronutrients (you will know these as
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins) can increase the amount of fat lost through
decreasing the amount of muscle lost during dieting (and also the reverse
during weight gain). This is not the magic bullet that most people think it is
– certain types of exercise (click link) can decrease the amount of muscle lost during a
dieting stage, thusly increasing the amount of fat lost.
– steroids, clenbuterol, testosterone, HGH etc can all improve your body’s
ability to both store excess energy in muscle tissue, and decrease energy
losses from muscle tissue during dieting. That’s why bodybuilders use them –
although none of my advice will involve any of this. Some other drugs can
improve or worsen your energy expenditure through metabolism drops/increases.
of the above information, if you are in an energy deficit YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT,
some of it will come from muscle, some from fat. Why would we want to maintain
muscle? For guys, this is a no brainer. For girls, maintaining muscle is going
to keep everything toned and firm leading to the look you probably want. And I
am talking about maintaining as much muscle as you can – building muscle is a
different game, and you are not going to do that with your female hormones in a
dieting situation. So no worries about waking up liking like the hulk, you are
more likely to wake up looking like the below picture. The muscly women you see
in bodybuilding mags are usually either insanely low bodyfat (like Maddonna) or
taking huge amounts of steroids to achieve that look.
In Conclusion
- Decrease average amount of energy in (within reason)
- Keep energy out as high as possible (within reason)
- Improve the partitioning of those energy sources, so that more of it comes out from fat stores
- Maintain this for long enough to see a noticeable effect on our physique
The last one is very important, I will go through all of them in more detail. Look out for the next updates (follow my posts by putting your email address into the bar at the top of the page), I will be explaining how to do each of these thoroughly. I will also get to the good parts - how can we eat whatever the hell we want in large quantities, and still lose weight.